Free marijuana in schools

1st of April, 2010, Our Region

In Czech:

With the proposal for distribution of marijuana to all schools came forward the teachers themselves. The reason for their decision was the fact that in recent years rapidly increased bullying from children to teachers.

„I’m afraid to give lessons, pupils throw on me pens, snacks, and when I wanted them to write an essay, they were so rude to me, I preferred to run away from the class. Well, you know, but their parents are the sponsors of the school, and so we must be silent,“ told us the teacher, who declined to disclose her name.

„There is evidence that smoking marijuana has a relaxing effect, after a few drafts of grass our pupils are laughing and nicely tuned and greatly decrease their aggressiveness. Therefore, together with other colleagues we have agreed to provide them the drug ourselves in order to substantially eliminate the attacks on our teachers,“ said the director of another school.

In their biology classes students planted marijuana seedlings and soon they will enjoy their first harvest. „It is obvious that it was a step in the right direction. Children are eager to help teachers with the care of seedlings, each morning they struggle to be the first at the marijuana field and to measure how much the seedlings have grown overnight. They have even begun betting on the exact date of harvest,“ said the director moved to tears and went to check the school cannabis field while singing: „Yeah, only those who know about smoking will praise us, and anyway the best stuff is sold by the Moors…“

Auntie Bushka’s Homemade Hemp Salve

Bushka Bryndova, 21.08.2005

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Cannabis can be used for the fabrication of various medicinal preparations. One of the most powerful hemp preparations is the hemp salve. Its efficiency was proven already in the 50s at the Olomouc University Hospital, where Prof. Jan Kabelik carried out his famous research on the antibacterial effects of cannabis indica.

About the history of hemp salve

One of the hospital pathologists cut his finger during an autopsy, bacteria resistant to antibiotics infected the wound and it seemed that an amputation was going to be inevitable. Then someone had the idea to ask for help Prof. Kabelik, who was known for his research on the medicinal use of cannabis. He applied his hemp salve and two days later the wound was already healing and the amputation was avoided.

Inspired with traditional medicine and Kabelik’s experiments, seven years ago I started to manufacture my own hemp salve. I used Vaseline as a salve base because it is better supported by people suffering of allergies than lanoline or other animal fats, although it is not as well penetrating as them. After years of research and experimentations with different fabrication procedures, I finally obtained a preparation with very satisfactory effects and after another years of testing I could be quite sure that my recipe using double extraction (alcohol fermentation + fat) was the right one. The preparation following this homemade recipe is lengthy – 5 weeks, but it is certainly worth of the effort.

Due to the fact that in my country is the preparation of medicines on the basis of cannabis illegal, it was not possible to make any official analyses or clinical experiments. So I had to collect the testimonies of my friends and many other persons, who over the years used this salve for the treatment of their diseases and health problems. The hemp salve is a universal healing preparation with multiple effects. It is combining the effects of an antibiotic ointment with the effects of a salve efficiently relieving arthritic and rheumatism pains. Among others, it has proven to be extremely efficient for the treatment of burns (even of 2nd degree), certain types of eczemas, psoriasis and fungus. You will find the complete list of diagnoses successfully treated with my homemade salve here under. Just pay attention to one thing – the salve should never be used on fresh bleeding wounds!

Some healing or relieving effects of the salve

  • anti-inflammatory effects
  • analgesic effects
  • relaxing effects on muscles and other body tissues
  • muciparous decongesting effects
  • regenerative effects on body tissues

Which diseases the salve heals or relieves as a complementary medicine

  • all kinds of superficial wounds, cuts, acne pimples, furuncles, nail incarnations, corns, certain nail fungus
  • ragged commissure of lips, fever blisters, herpes
  • certain types of dermatitis (including atopical) and psoriasis
  • rheumatism and arthritic pains (up to the 2nd degree of arthritis)
  • torticollis, back pains, muscular pains and cramps, sprains and other contusions
  • phlebitis, venous ulcerations
  • hemorrhoids
  • menstruation pains
  • cold and sore throat, bronchitis
  • asthmatic problems with breathing
  • chronical inflammation of larynx (application in the form of a Priessnitz compress)
  • migraine, head pains

Recipe for the preparation of my homemade hemp salve


White or yellow (non-refined – better for allergies) Vaseline, leaves and lower buds of cannabis, optionally a pinch of mint crystals or 0,1 l of hempseed oil.


For 1 kg of Vaseline it is necessary to use 100 g of dried leaves and 50 g of lower buds


1. melt one half of the Vaseline in a larger pot

2. add roughly crushed leaves and let them slowly fry during 20 minutes

3. after cooling the mixture pour into the pot 4 liters of water

4. bring to the boiling point and slowly cook during 90 – 120 minutes

5. let it cool and put it into the fridge overnight

6. take out the fatty cake and press it in order to eliminate the rests of water

7. spread the cake into a wider recipient, cover it and let it ferment during 3 weeks in a dark place at room temperature

8. again put the mixture into a larger pot, add the other half of Vaseline and melt it

9. slowly cook the mixture until the disagreeable smell of fermentation disappears

10. drain it through a strainer and pour the resulting light-green colored liquid into a recipient immersed in a water bath

11. add finely crushed lower buds and cook in the water bath during one hour until a light skim forms on the surface (don’t forget to stir frequently)

12. let it cool and store it for 1 week in a dark and cold place

13. repeat the cooking in water bath and put the recipient into a cold place again for another week

14. melt and cook the mixture as in the precedent point, drain it first through a kitchen strainer and after through a fine canvas (do not throw the canvas with the drained buds, store it into a freezer – it can be very efficiently used as a warm compress in case of asthmatic problems, bronchitis or joint pains)

15. the salve is now ready to be poured into small cups if you want to use it pure – otherwise you can improve it with a pinch of mint crystals (for muscular and joint pains) or with 0,1 liter of virgin hempseed oil (for dermatologic problems)

Pure or mint salve may be stored in a cold place, but they do not deteriorate for at least 6 months even at the room temperature. In the contrary, the salve with the addition of hempseed oil needs to be stored in a cold place and should be used within 6 weeks.

Therapeutic effect of cannabis at Crohn’s disease confirmed

Bushka Bryndova, 18.11.2005

First independent study of therapeutic effects of cannabis at this inflammatory disease of gastrointestinal system called Crohn’s disease (Morbus Crohn) confirmed the recent research performed by a group of British scientists, who established the existence of a functioning endocannabinoid system in the colon and that cannabinoids were involved in wound repair of the gut lining.

The survey made by the California based Society of Cannabis Clinicians was published in the autumn issue of the O’Shaughnessy’s: The Journal of Cannabis in Clinical Practice.

Twelve patients suffering of Crohn’s disease participated in the survey, which assessed subjective changes patient’s symptoms after the use of cannabis. Following the authors of study for all evaluated signs and symptoms, the patients described marked improvements with the use of cannabis. Cannabis had beneficial effects for their appetite, pain, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, activity, and depression. Patients also reported that cannabis use resulted in weight gain, fewer stools per day and fewer flare-ups of less severity. At the same time, patients‘ use of cannabis was associated with a decrease in their use of other pharmaceutical medicines.

A few testimonies on cannabis therapy from the patients who participated to the survey:

„A terrific reliever of Crohn’s symptoms.“

„Best appetite stimulant, very good calming effect.“

„Cannabis provides relief without knocking me out or other bad side effects that I had with steroids.“

„I’ve struggled for years with opiate addiction from chronic pancreatitis —cannabis lets me control my pain without being a slave to opiates.“

„Marinol bothered my stomach —I don’t get sick, constipated, or vomit with cannabis.“

Source: NORML

Cannabis use brings subjective improvement

of motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease



Bushka Bryndova, 1.09.2005

According the survey on cannabis use in patients suffering of Parkinson’s disease carried on in the Czech Republic, long-term use of cannabis mitigates symptoms of this illness.

The survey data were published in the journal Movement Disorders of 2004, Vol. 19, No. 9, pp. 1102-1106. Team of researchers at Charles University in Prague led by Dr. Evzen Ruzicka surveyed 339 patients with Parkinson’s disease registered at Prague Movement Disorders Centre. One quarter of respondents said that they had taken cannabis medically, and approximately half of these reported that it alleviated symptoms of the disease.

Respondents most often replied that cannabis improved their bradykinsia (extreme slowness of movement and reflexes), as well as muscle rigidity and tremor. In addition, patients who reported having used cannabis for at least three months „reported significantly more often a mild or substantial alleviation of their PD symptoms in general“ than those who had only used cannabis short-term. Only 4 patients (4.7%) reported that cannabis actually worsened their symptoms.

„The late onset of cannabis action is noteworthy,“ authors wrote. „Because most patients reported that improvement occurred approximately two months after the first use of cannabis, it is very unlikely that it could be attributed to a placebo reaction.“ The survey was made by anonymous questionnaires.

„Even though a possible placebo reaction and other cofounders … have to be taken into account, it seems that various cannabinoids or other compounds targeting the endogenous cannabinoid system might be useful in the treatment of PD symptoms … and this field definitely deserves further research,“ authors concluded.

None of the patients reported having had previously used cannabis recreationally. None had been advised to use cannabis by a doctor, and all patients continued using the antiparkinsonian therapy recommended by their neurologist.

Considering the fact that average age of surveyed patients was 65,7 years and they never had any experience with recreational use of cannabis, it might be bewildering that they got the idea of using this therapy. In fact, Czech media including the most popular commercial TV published over the last years a quite important number of information on mitigating effects of cannabis in Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis. An elderly Parkinsoninan patient, Mr. Ponikelsky (a patient of Dr. Ruzicka), courageously stood up in front of the TV cameras and publicly admitted to grow and use cannabis for his disease, although even medicinal use of cannabis is forbidden and might be punished by years of prison. His example inspired many other patients suffering of this disease and explains the relatively elevated number of cannabis users in the aforementioned survey. Brave Mr. Ponikelsky became a well-known figure on the Czech media scene and his recipe for cannabis powder that he used for his therapy was published in several popular magazines.

Cannabis powder for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease (PD):

Put manually crushed leaves and buds of a female plant of cannabis to an electric oven heated at 100°C and leave them there during 10 minutes. Crush the dried mixture of leaves and buds in an electric crusher in order to obtain a powder of fine consistence. The powder is now prepared for use. It should be stored in a glass recipient with a tight cover at the temperature of 15°C during max. 3 months.

The powder can be added to food or directly swallowed with some liquid. It should be used once a day, the best in the evening in the quantity that will hold on the point of a butter-knife. If there are any stupefying effects produced, it is necessary to diminish the dose. The cannabis cure can be continually followed for 90 days at the maximum. After this period it is necessary to stop the therapy for at least two weeks and survey the reaction of organism. If there is no improvement noticed during these 90+14 days, cannabis treatment is not appropriate for the patient.