Free marijuana in schools

1st of April, 2010, Our Region

In Czech:

With the proposal for distribution of marijuana to all schools came forward the teachers themselves. The reason for their decision was the fact that in recent years rapidly increased bullying from children to teachers.

„I’m afraid to give lessons, pupils throw on me pens, snacks, and when I wanted them to write an essay, they were so rude to me, I preferred to run away from the class. Well, you know, but their parents are the sponsors of the school, and so we must be silent,“ told us the teacher, who declined to disclose her name.

„There is evidence that smoking marijuana has a relaxing effect, after a few drafts of grass our pupils are laughing and nicely tuned and greatly decrease their aggressiveness. Therefore, together with other colleagues we have agreed to provide them the drug ourselves in order to substantially eliminate the attacks on our teachers,“ said the director of another school.

In their biology classes students planted marijuana seedlings and soon they will enjoy their first harvest. „It is obvious that it was a step in the right direction. Children are eager to help teachers with the care of seedlings, each morning they struggle to be the first at the marijuana field and to measure how much the seedlings have grown overnight. They have even begun betting on the exact date of harvest,“ said the director moved to tears and went to check the school cannabis field while singing: „Yeah, only those who know about smoking will praise us, and anyway the best stuff is sold by the Moors…“